UT Dallas Reserve Officer Training Corps
Comet Battalion
The Comet Battalion at UT Dallas recruits, develops and commissions lieutenants of great character, trained in fundamental Army skills and ready to succeed at Basic Officer Leadership Training, while providing continuous engagement with associated university campuses and JROTC programs, to set conditions for attracting and retaining citizens of service to our nation.
Our Partners
We are partnered with two universities and six JROTC programs across the Dallas area.
- Southern Methodist University (SMU)
- The University of Dallas (UD)
- Berkner High School JROTC
- JJ Pearce High School JROTC
- Richardson High School JROTC
- Plano East Senior High School JROTC
- Plano Senior High School JROTC
- Plano West Senior High School JROTC
How ROTC Works
Our program is traditionally a four-year plan taken simultaneously with a student’s academic programs. However, it can be condensed to a two-year program under certain circumstances for highly qualified applicants. The goal is to make you an officer in the U.S. Army, but there are several ways to get you there. Which path you take depends on where you currently are. Natural progression through the ROTC program results in a minor in military science.
Basic Courses (No Contract)
Military Leadership I – Freshman
- One class per week
- Three physical training (PT) hours per week
- One lab per week
- One field training exercise (FTX) per semester
- One social event
- Opportunities
- Learn about self
- Time management
- Public speaking
- Map reading
- Land navigation
- Rappelling
- Weapons familiarization
- Water confidence
- Helicopter flights
Military Leadership II – Sophomore
- One class per week
- Three physical training (PT) hours per week
- One lab per week
- One field training exercise (FTX) per semester
- One social event
- Opportunities
- Team-building skills
- Team/squad leader
- Airborne School
- Air Assault School
- Mountain Warfare School
- Combat Survival Training
Advanced Courses (Contract)
Military Leadership III – Junior
- Two class per week
- One lab per week
- Three physical training (PT) hours per week
- One field training exercise (FTX) per semester
- One social event
- Opportunities
- Lead large groups
- Develop leadership skills
- Cadet Leadership Training (CTLT) and Nurse Summer Training Program (NSTP), three weeks hands-on training.
Military Leadership IV – Senior
- Two class per week
- One lab per week
- Three physical training (PT) hours per week
- One field training exercise (FTX) per semester
- One social event
- Opportunities
- Trainer/supervisor
- Prepare for Army life
- Military science minor
- Active/Guard/Reserve partnerships
Alternate Entry Options
- Compression
- Lateral entry credit
- Prior service
- Two-year JROTC
- Military academy
- Basic Camp at Fort Knox, Kentucky
- Alternate Entry Option
- Green to Gold program
Advanced Camp
Five weeks at Fort Knox, Kentucky
Academic Requirements
- Enrolled in a degree-producing program.
- Professional military education (military history)
- Must maintain a GPA of 2.5 (scholarship) or 2.0 (non-scholarship)
Learn about two-to-four-year options, housing scholarships, monthly stipends and scholarships for Guard/Reserve.